Debbie Jordan-Kauble

Colin Andrews is the world's foremost authority on crop circle phenomena. Colin is a retired Electrical Engineer who served major Civil Emergency Management for the local government in his former home of Andover in England for many years. He has relocated to Connecticut and now devotes himself full-time to investigating crop circle phenomena and heads C.P.R. International. He co-authored the very first crop circle book, "Circular Evidence" which appeared on the Queen's Reading List in Great Britain for many weeks, a very prestigious honor. He has briefed most of the world's major government powers on the crop circle phenomenon. This man is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. Colin is also one of the most honest, forthright and caring souls I have ever known.

( You can reach Colin via C.P.R. International P.O. Box 3378 Branford, Ct. 06405 tel/fax: (203) 458-8047)

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